, I really have no choice.” “I understand that,” said Thomas. “But we also heard that you know he’s doing it, and you threatened to give him an hour of detention for every one of us that skives, is that right?” Harry nodded. “So, I was wondering,” Thomas continued, “why is Malfoy still pushing us to Queen 50th Anniversary 1970 2020 Signatures Shirt do this? When he’ll get tons of detention?” “I can’t be sure,” Harry said, “but I think there’s a few reasons. One is that it’s me, Harry Potter, who he hates. He’s furious that I’ve been made a teacher, as you saw at the feast, and he really wants to do something to hurt me. Now he’s even more furious that the first and second years like me…
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” “It’s not only them,” said Juliet. “I’ve heard third and fourth years say it too. They just don’t say it very loudly.” “I understand. Anyway, so his anger at me is at an all-time high, which is really saying something. He wants to get me really bad. That’s why he was gloating about what Voldemort did to Queen 50th Anniversary 1970 2020 Signatures Shirt me, he loves it.” He saw many dark looks, from all students regardless of house. “Secondly, he thinks he can get away with it. I have no firm proof, since it’s all things he said, he thinks he can deny it, and since he’s a prefect, get away with it. He’s used to getting away with whatever he wants, and his hatred of me may be blinding him to the risks he’s taking.” “Can he get away with it?” asked Thomas. “No,” answered Harry, deciding at the last second not to equivocate. “The other teachers are going to support me, they approve of the threat I made to Malfoy. He’s making a deliberate attempt to undermine a Hogwarts teacher, and they take that seriously. He’s made a huge mistake, he just doesn’t know it yet.” “So, if we use the Snacks, he gets ten hours of detention, and we get one each?” Harry nodded, as did Thomas. “Seems like a fair trade to me.” Everyone laughed. “You understand I can’t officially approve of this,” Harry pointed out, choosing his words carefully.
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“If I approve, it becomes all right, and nothing • 304 • happens to Malfoy. So, I officially disapprove of you using the Snacks. Is everybody clear on that? Now, if you should at some point not feel well,” he continued humorously, “you should go down to Madam Pomfrey’s, and stay there until the end of the class time.” He looked at the Slytherins expectantly. There was silence for a few seconds. Then, understanding what Harry was waiting for, Thomas exclaimed, “Well, I’m not going to Queen 50th Anniversary 1970 2020 Signatures Shirt do it now. I don’t know about everyone else
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