She looked at him as though not knowing what to believe, and was silent for a minute. Finally she said, “It seems as though there’s a lot that you don’t intend for to Steal I Dare You Man Vintage Shirt happen that happens anyway.” Harry said nothing. Petunia paused for a few seconds, and said, “Dudley’s my only child. If anything were to happen to him..
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” “I’ll do everything in my power to Steal I Dare You Man Vintage Shirt make sure it doesn’t,” Harry promised. “So will Professor Dumbledore. I assume this is what the letter was about?” She nodded. “He gave you to us, he put us in this danger. The least he can do is make sure we don’t suffer because of it.” “He will,” Harry assured her. “He’s the most powerful wizard in the world, even more powerful than Voldemort. And he’s a very kind person. He’ll help.” “And you’ll be more careful about what you say in the future,” she said. It was more a statement than a question. “I will,” he said quietly. She nodded and left. Harry shook his head at himself again. . Thoughts jumbled in his head. He was going to be a teacher. Malfoy had appeared on Privet Drive. Dudley wanted a Skiving Snackbox. The Dursleys had given him birthday cake and asked him questions about the magical world. Aunt Petunia had sent a letter by owl post. It had been a strange, strange day student and I got caught in a trap, which one of Voldemort’s helpers set for me so Voldemort could return to full strength. The other student getting caught was an accident, just by chance. They needed me, but not him. A Voldemort helper raised his wand, and bam, the other student was dead, just like that. Right in front • 104 • of my eyes. And he was good with a wand, too. At least as good as me, maybe better. Didn’t do him any good.” Dudley was silent for a minute.
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Then he asked, “This was Cedric?” Harry nodded, remembering that Dudley had overheard him saying Cedric’s name in nightmares a year ago. “Now, I choose to be part of the magical world. I feel like I belong there, I feel at home, even though I know I’m at high risk all the time. But I can really understand why your mother doesn’t like it, why she wants you nowhere near it. Most of the time, it’s fairly peaceful. When Voldemort is around, as he is now, it’s very dangerous, especially for anyone with a connection to Steal I Dare You Man Vintage Shirt me. But she got stuck with me. She just doesn’t want you to have to suffer for it. Cedric died for no other reason than that he happened to be around me at the wrong time.” Dudley thought for a minute; Harry could see Petunia watching Dudley and hoping he would understand the danger. “But you’re in all this danger, but you don’t need anyone protecting you, right?” Dudley asked. Harry shook his head. “
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