the Skiving Snackbox? I was hoping to get it from you before Mum and Dad get home.” “Snackbox? Oh, yeah, that was pretty funny. Fred and George didn’t remember that they had it. Almost started arguing over who forgot about it. I had to The Detroit News The First Good News Of The Day Shirt v tell them about Dumbledore’s spell; they didn’t know he had done it.” He paused, remembering. “Well, I’d better get this up to my room.” Dudley rolled his eyes. “Okay, but could you give me the Snackbox first?” Harry blinked.
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“Of course, sorry. Yeah, that was a strong spell Dumbledore put on it. I hope I can be half as strong as he is someday.” He looked down at Dudley, who was looking up at him expectantly. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” Dudley snickered. “Well, you did warn me that this would happen,” he allowed. “Tell you what, why don’t I come up to your room with you? After all, it was only his N.E.W.T. books and a few other things. They went up to Harry’s room and sat down on his bed. “So, what have you got?” Dudley asked. “Mostly books for my N.E.W.T. classes,” Harry said, showing Dudley the books and explaining about O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. “I’m taking the classes needed to train to be an Auror–Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, Transfigurations, and I’m also taking Care of Magical Creatures, which isn’t strictly necessary, but I like it.” Dudley thumbed through the books. “Get anything else?” “Just some quills and parchment, and…” He pulled out the Snackbox. “So, is that ringing any bells?” Dudley smiled. • 177 • “I was going to… to The Detroit News The First Good News Of The Day Shirt give you this, right?” Dudley nodded as Harry handed the box over. “Now that you don’t have the box anymore, are you starting to remember?” “Yeah, I remember everything now. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s Dumbledore, but that’s a powerful spell. “You knew that was going to happen,
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but it still worked just the same. He wasn’t kidding with that spell.” “Fred and George were amazed that he was going to The Detroit News The First Good News Of The Day Shirt let you have it at all,” said Harry. “What did they say exactly… ‘He’s going to assist in the breaking of wizarding law so that a Muggle can skive off his classes. A truly great man, Albus Dumbledore.” Dudley laughed. “What else did you talk to them about?. He related their teasing about the jinx on the position. “I told them what happened with you and Malfoy… just catching up on news.” “That reminds me, whatever happened to him?” Dudley asked. “Did he get himself in big trouble?” Harry explained what the result was. “So, that’s pretty good,” he concluded. “He’ll be very angry, that’s for sure.
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