such subtle ways that only people who had spent much time around her would have noticed. Affecting a Top I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt stern expression, she replied, “My expression of support will take the form of allowing you to have this moment of humor at my expense.” “Thank you,” he said, looking at her with unabashed fondness. She looked down, and he thought he saw a small smile on her face. “The dream, Professor Potter?” prompted Snape, in the tone of one whose
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forbearance was being sorely tested. “Yes, sorry,” he agreed. He told them about it, every detail he could recall. He saw eyebrows raised near the end, especially Ron’s. “You deliberately mocked him?” Ron exclaimed, eyes wide. “What in the world did you do that for?” “I believe, Mr. Weasley, that he was trying to Top I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt anger the Dark Lord, to provoke him. To try to goad him into a mistake of some sort.” Harry nodded to Snape\t. I thought that might be a weakness.” “It may yet prove to be one,” Snape replied. “The result of this endeavor may not be one that is immediately apparent. One thing which is highly likely is that he will redouble his efforts to harm you.”
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“That was also what I had in mind,” agreed Harry, as he saw Ron and Neville look shocked at the idea. “The harder he tries, the more likely he is to make a mistake. I was hoping that I could provoke him into trying again tonight, maybe it • 346 • would be harder for him to do it two times but he might try anyway. If I could get back to sleep, I think it’s worth trying.” “It is profoundly brave of you to wish to try, Harry,” Dumbledore said gently, “but I think that you will not be able to get back to Top I Am A Foo Fighters Girl Vintage Shirt sleep. The stress of the
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