“I mean, you were tortured… how can that not affect your dreams?” “That’s the strange thing; “I agree, you’d think it would. I mean, I think about it when I’m awake at times… daydreams about what I’d like to Top New York 20 Pete Alonso Shirt do to Bellatrix Lestrange before she dies a horrible and painful death.” The others all looked at Neville sympathetically; they knew this very uncharacteristic attitude was because she had caused Neville untold pain, both last month and when he was a baby. “But I imagine you must too, Harry, she did something awful to you, too.
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..” He trailed off. He hadn’t intended to tell anyone about this, but the tone of the conversation was confessional, and they all had been with him there, they would understand… he felt a need to unburden himself. They were looking at him expectantly. “You have to promise to Top New York 20 Pete Alonso Shirt tell no one this, absolutely no one,” he said. They nodded as if to say of course, you don’t need to tell us that. He swallowed and went on. “After seeing her kill Sirius, I think I was in denial for a few minutes. I thought he was coming back. . “The next thing I knew, I leaped out from where I was hiding, pointed the wand at her, and yelled…” he paused for a few seconds, “…
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, I really wish I had a camera right now. Hermione was the first to speak. “Oh, my God… oh, Harry…” She broke into sobs and leaned into him, crying on his shoulder and holding onto him. Harry was bewildered; this wasn’t a Top New York 20 Pete Alonso Shirt reaction he expected. He put his arm around her shoulder in a comforting gesture, feeling that it was very strange that he should need to. After a few seconds, she started sniffling and trying to stop crying. Ginny leaped up to get a box of tissues and put them in front of Hermione. Haltingly, Hermione said to Harry, “I’m sorry, I know this is strange, but I just… I was empathizing with you through the
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