way. Would you think it was a big deal if you had to wait a whole year to drive?” Dudley nodded vigorously. “Well, that’s what it’s like. Apparating is like driving–the freedom to Uninstalling Racism Loading 60% Shirt go anywhere you want. Every wizard looks forward to it, like every Muggle looks forward to driving. Trust me, it’s a big deal.” “Excellent,” Dudley said, now smiling evilly. “Better not tell Mum, though.” • 178 • “I agree,” Harry said. “ No need for her to think about Malfoy sitting around with nothing to do but plot revenge.” Just then, the family car drove into the driveway. “Ah, good, they’re home,” said Dudley. “They’ll have a takeaway. I’m hungry, just been eating junk all day.”
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“Me too,” said Harry. He’d just had cake and ice cream at Florean Fortescue’s. “If you want to Uninstalling Racism Loading 60% Shirt come up here after dinner, I’ll continue the story from this morning.” Dudley nodded, and they went downstairs. The following Friday was the day Harry had to leave for Hogwarts. Normally he would take the Hogwarts Express on Sunday, but as a teacher, he had to receive orientation and attend pre-term meetings. He had spent a lot of August thinking about how he was going to teach his lessons–heavy on practice so he wouldn’t have to give lectures, which he didn’t think he could do–and so wasn’t sure he could do much more. The book Hermione gave him had year-by-year charts of what spells and basic information the students should have. He used that as a rough guide, but he hoped to sit down with Dumbledore before the term started, show him the charts and what he planned to do, and ask for guidance. Harry felt he had done what he could to prepare for going to Hogwarts as a teacher. Still, it was with some trepidation that he got ready to depart on Friday morning. He was double-checking his trunk to make sure it had everything when the phone rang, and he heard Dudley’s yell.
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“Harry! It’s Hermione!” Harry ran downstairs. As he walked into the kitchen, Dudley was saying, “Yeah, I hope so… no problem… okay, here he is.” He handed the phone to Harry. “Hermione, how are you doing?” “Good, I just wanted to say goodbye before you left. Ron did too, but of course, he doesn’t have a phone, so he just told me in the fireplace to tell you to not worry, you’ll do fine. That’s what I say, too, of course.” • 179 • “I know, thanks. I’m sorry I’ll have to Uninstalling Racism Loading 60% Shirt miss you on the Hogwarts Express. It’ll seem strange not doing that this year. Of course, you and Ron will be together in
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