This should be When I Look At My Grandkids I Always Ask Myself How I Got So Lucky Shirt the end of his presidency. He failed in his basic responsibility as President. To protect and defend the United States of America and its people. Such a disgrace. A coal miner told me how a windmill put him out of a job. He cried, for the first time in his life, had never cried since he was a baby and he said ‘thank you for destroying those nasty windmills and giving my job back, Sir.’ Windmills are spreading the Wuhan Virus. It’s true. It’s true, I had all my best people look into it strongly. So tragic. Quoting an unnamed public-health expert in frequent contact with the taskforce, Vanity Fair reported that a member of Mr. Kushner’s team suggested.
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Trump reflected on his relationships with authoritarian When I Look At My Grandkids I Always Ask Myself How I Got So Lucky Shirt leaders generally, including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Nobody knew how deadly, the devastation on the lungs, and in the lungs, and the sneezing, invisible particles in the air, so tiny. No one else can see them. I can see them, I have a tremendous vision. Imagine that. Billions of particles, in the air. We need to get rid of windmills. They’re killing eagles, and they spread cancer, so much cancer toward our beautiful American babies, and no one ever talks about it. Nobody ever talks about that. Now windmills, and have I ever told you how low energy they are? Compared to clean, beautiful coal.
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