It was by now early evening, and twilight was just beginning to settle over Little Whinging as Harry walked home from Arabella Figg’s house. He wondered what reaction, if any, he would get from Aunt Petunia when he walked in the door. Would she still insist on him staying in his bedroom? That wasn’t going to You Are Gonna Love Math After You Meet Me I’m Warning You Vintage Shirt work, not if he was going to start Occlumency lessons with Professor Dumbledore next week.
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He decided that he would act as if her punishment had never happened, and see whether she reacted. If she tried to You Are Gonna Love Math After You Meet Me I’m Warning You Vintage Shirt keep him in his room, Harry knew she would have to worry about more than a red lawn. He was sure it wasn’t worth it to her. Harry turned the corner onto Privet Drive; the Dursleys’ house was six houses away. He glanced up and saw three boys on the sidewalk about three houses down, walking in his direction. He thought nothing of it until, thinking they looked vaguely familiar, he looked up again. He couldn’t believe it. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle? On Privet Drive? What in the world are they doing here? Harry asked himself, then answered it at once: they’re here to see you, obviously. He quickly calculated his options. He could probably turn around and outrun them, but they could always wait in front of his home, and he’d have to get past them sooner or later. , as had nearly happened last year. he thought. He had no specific confirmation that this was still the case, but it seemed a reasonable assumption. If it’s true, then I’ll be safe, but… whoever’s following me won’t want it known that they’re doing so, and won’t want to intervene openly.
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decided he couldn’t count on help that was iffy and might not even be there in the first place. He decided to You Are Gonna Love Math After You Meet Me I’m Warning You Vintage Shirt play it by ear and keep his wand handy, but only to be used as a last option. By now, they were one house away and closing, standing between Harry and four Privet Drive. He saw Malfoy smile, and say loudly, “Well, what do you know, guys, it’s Harry Potter! Isn’t that
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