Still riding little waves after the big peak. Restorative. Got to spend part of it in a willow grove with the first swarm of native bees. In Canada where it’s just starting to warm this spring. And could feel and see the 36th Birthday 2020 Quarantined American Flag Shirt in their movement. Showed me some ways I’ve been judging myself and making myself sad. Walking through the woods inside yourself. Thanks for asking, friend. I hope you’re having a good day. Just went through them and honestly they weren’t that bad. It seemed like more people were pissed off that she was a girl that dared include her face in the picture. For fuck’s sake. I feel bad.
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Women can’t even Reddit the way they want to in this world! You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. You’d think stoners would be easier going. Attempting to enjoy the Internet can be hard sometimes. When some people can’t be bothered to show the 36th Birthday 2020 Quarantined American Flag Shirt. Glad you haven’t been bothered that much. Without knowing too mu Co about Singapore, I feel like legal weed is one of the only things it’s missing. It seems like an amazing place. I think the govt is testing medicinal uses after the likes of Thailand and Malaysia started. I hope within the next 20 years (optimistically) we will see legal recreational use if I’ve not migrated by then.
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Happy birthday! Your comment just made me feel so old. You were born in ‘99. That was my second year of smoking weed. I have the same reaction when I watch college sports. Because they’re your age as well. I hope you have a great 36th Birthday 2020 Quarantined American Flag Shirt! It’s been that way for years. I browse subs like Canadians or cannabis when I want more substantive discussions about cannabis. The trees are a silly place. Honestly, I would rather see pictures of stoned people than unfunny memes being rehashed over and over. Trees are for the weed community where people are chill n kind. She’s got a pipe in her hand and maybe she can’t post about weed on Instagram.
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