you not get carried away by the idea.” “Well, I believe that there is not much else we can do here,” said Dumbledore. “Harry, I will give you another Occlumency lesson tonight at 10:00, after which you should go to Alexandria And Ayanna & Iihan & Rashida & Pramila & Ro & Raul & Marie & Jamaal Shirt bed.” “Can the others join me?” Harry quickly asked. Dumbledore smiled. “Yes, I daresay you could use the emotional support. Now, I suppose you will not be trying to get more sleep?” Harry shook his head. “It’s only two hours until I’d usually get up, anyway.”
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“Well, I was thinking… it seems nice outside, and the sun is starting to rise… a good fly might be invigorating. I will join you; it has been too long since I have flown.” Flying sounded good right then; flying with Dumbledore sounded even better. Harry knew that Dumbledore was asking mainly to Alexandria And Ayanna & Iihan & Rashida & Pramila & Ro & Raul & Marie & Jamaal Shirt give Harry support, and • 289 • he appreciated it greatly. Harry quickly agreed, and Summoned his broom. Snape and McGonagall said their goodbyes and departed. Harry and Dumbledore walked out onto the Quidditch pitch, brooms in hand. Dumbledore had taken one of the Slytherin Quidditch team’s Nimbus 2001s, pointing out to Harry that while they were provided by Lucius Malfoy, they were school property under the care of the head of Slytherin House. “I believe that Professor Snape will not mind me using it for a while,” smiled Dumbledore. Harry laughed. “I suppose not,” he agreed. Malfoy would mind, but too bad, Harry thought. They kicked off the ground, and went up into the air. Harry did indeed feel invigorated, the wind whipping through his hair, the cool air giving him energy.
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He flew joyously for about five minutes, Dumbledore at his side. It was Ron, holding his Cleansweep. “Why are you still up?” asked Harry. “Are you kidding? Do you think we could go back to sleep? ‘Right, Voldemort’s just attacked my mate, I think I’ll have a nice lie down.’ Really, Harry, you can be a bit thick sometimes.” Dumbledore chuckled. “How did you know I was out here?” Ron rolled his eyes. “I’ll put it down to Alexandria And Ayanna & Iihan & Rashida & Pramila & Ro & Raul & Marie & Jamaal Shirt the lack of sleep, but you’d better get it together for your classes… a Firebolt climbing out of your trunk and zooming through the portrait hole is kind of hard to miss.” Dumbledore was still smiling broadly. “Okay, I get it… so I take it you’d like to join us? “C’mon…
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