Paramedics save lives, surgeons save lives, nurses and hospital staff are working to give you a shot at living. No one has any incentive to “make” someone brain dead. Then let’s talk about logistics. Another source propagating the story is the 1994 song, “The Chanukah Song”, written and performed by entertainer Adam Sandler, in which he lists famous Jews of the 20th century: “…O.J. Simpson…
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To be against it would be very odd. But of course I know there are people who label themself Christian and do odd things contrary to the bible. My parents are like that. I asked them why, and they begrudgingly mentioned something about how they themselves didn’t believe in it because their bodies should be whole for the second coming (and my retired dad was an engineer/chemist, so I don’t understand how someone that smart in that field would believe a rotting corpse in a casket would magically spring back to life as if nothing happened when Jesus returned). It’s the same reason why they were disappointed yet again when I said I wanted to Camp Half Blood Long Island Sound Shirt be cremated. Finally, fed up with their weird obsession with the body being whole upon death, I said “Mom, Dad, let’s say a Christian man is in an airplane when it catches fire mid-flight and crashes.
The guy is basically now evaporated water and dust. When the second coming happe
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ns, will God restore him?” They answered that of course he would, and then I followed up with: “then you believe that god would have the power to Camp Half Blood Long Island Sound Shirt They didn’t have an answer for that. And that is probably reason #20 of how I became a happy agnostic. A 1976 article written in Esquire magazine was one of the first publications to assert that Carew is Jewish. Sportswriter Harry Stein released his “All-Time All-Star Argument Starter” article which consisted of five different ethnic-based baseball teams. A 2007 Salon article named Carew one of the 18 best Jewish ballplayers of all time; the article
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