“But Harry made sure he wasn’t,” Vernon mused.. “I don’t think any spells can do what was done to I Need To Work On Controlling The Look On My Face When I’m Listening To Stupid People Shirt Dudley, and it’s consistent with what I heard that Potter boy tell Lily about them. Poor Dudley…” “Maybe that’s what Dudley meant,” Vernon said, “by that look in Harry’s eyes he was talking about. If you’ve had to fight off things that can kill you,
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a blond kid with a wand and his two minions probably doesn’t seem so bad.” Petunia moaned, “Oh, why did Lily have to I Need To Work On Controlling The Look On My Face When I’m Listening To Stupid People Shirt go and become a witch? All we ever wanted to do was be regular, normal people. Is that too much to ask?” Harry rolled his eyes as he listened. His parents had died, he had had to fight off death more than once, but Petunia thought of those events only in terms of how they affected her and her family. Never would it occur to her to think about the toll those events had had on Harry. He shook his head in wonder. I hope I never become like that, he thought. “Of course it’s not, Petunia,” he heard Vernon say. “That’s all most people want. But you know what they say, you can choose your friends, but not your relatives.
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” He paused. “We’ve done the best we could. We tried to I Need To Work On Controlling The Look On My Face When I’m Listening To Stupid People Shirt beat the magic out of him, for his own good. We failed, but we tried. And who knows, maybe it wasn’t for nothing.. I wouldn’t be surprised.” Harry was aghast. , the idea that Vernon would give himself and Petunia credit for whatever
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