This is I Want My Damn Respect Too 2020 Shirt why I don’t have a Starbucks habit. Nothing good comes out of it. You’re stuck eating less for the day and you have less money in your pocket. Lose-lose. That’s honestly how I usually feel! I try to avoid spending money and typically drink black coffee, but this pandemic has made me desperate for all things fall and cozy ☺️Ew. If you really think it’s so creamy that you need the cream, (Not “you” as in Op, but “you” as in whoever needs to hear this, especially from a barista who’s had to learn to diet while spending most of the day at work) then ask for whole milk. Maybe even a dash of half and a half or a dollop of whipped cream. It’s good. It’s creamy without the explosive amount of calories and fat content that you may be trying to avoid. If you’re into trying alternative milk, I’d ask for a sample (most places carry soy, coconut, and/or almond.
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Some I Want My Damn Respect Too 2020 Shirt carry oat milk) before actually completing your order so you don’t end up unhappy. Personally, I find (flavored) almond is an acceptable balance of flavor, consistency, and calories. Soy is my favorite. I use coconut milk in my breakfast (oatmeal), or when I make smoothies before a workout so I’m getting a few extra electrolytes. I was very excited to try oat milk and very disappointed to find that it tasted like oat-water. (Which is what it is, but almond milk is essentially almond-water and flavored versions still taste fine.) I’m still vaguely looking for good, flavored oat milk. Definitely seconding the tasting recommendation. When I first started customizing my own drinks on the app to be more calorie conscious, I used coconut milk with all the skinny syrups, oh boy did they not go together lmao.
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