to say his damn name. Look what he’s doing, he’s really feeling threatened. If I have to suffer a bit to be a I’m A Dad Grandpa And A Retired Firefighter Nothing Scares Me Vintage Retro Shirt poster boy for saying the word ‘Voldemort,’ then I will. It’s worth whatever happens, even if only on principle.” “Poster boy?” Ernie asked. “Muggle expression, I’ll explain later,” replied Justin. “Well, the Sorting Hat sure did its job when it put you it Gryffindor, Harry. You’re as brave as anyone I’ve ever met,” said Ernie solemnly.
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“Thank you, Ernie, I really appreciate that.” • 295 • “You know, David told me that he said the Hat almost put him in Slytherin,” said Justin. “Really?” Ernie was dumbfounded. “I pleaded with it not to,” confirmed Harry. “Thank God, it listened to me. It said I would do well in Slytherin, but I’d already met Malfoy, and I didn’t want to I’m A Dad Grandpa And A Retired Firefighter Nothing Scares Me Vintage Retro Shirt be anywhere near him. A close call.” “I’ll say,” sympathized Ernie. “Well, you have our support, Harry. If there’s anything we can do for you, let us know.” “There is one thing, actually.” He gave Justin a knowing look. Justin got it. “You’d like us to say ‘Voldemort.’” “That’s it. Would you like some points for Hufflepuff?” Justin chuckled. “That’s all right, I’m not in your classes. I might as well be, though; my brother won’t shut up about you.” Ernie cleared his throat, and said, “Well, I would encourage all the Hufflepuffs to say the name…” he took a deep breath, “Voldemort..
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. but I think our first years are doing it already.” “Thank you, Ernie, and you, Justin, I appreciate the gesture. And Justin… David’s a I’m A Dad Grandpa And A Retired Firefighter Nothing Scares Me Vintage Retro Shirt good guy. We’re lucky to have him in Gryffindor.” “Thanks,” said Justin. They walked back to their table, and Harry sat down. “That was really good of them,” Hermione commented. “They went out of their way to come over here, to be supportive, and they even said ‘Voldemort’ when they were both uncomfortable doing it.” “You’re right, I can use all the support I can get right now,” Harry agreed. Just then, Luna Lovegood walked up; Harry hadn’t talked to her yet this term, and was looking forward to saying hello. She walked up to where he was sitting,
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