airtight space where bacteria wouldn’t be able to thrive. way to LGBT Equal Rights For Others Does Not Mean Fewer Rights For You It_s Not You Shirt preserve their body/looks in death. Currently going through a Renaissance of awareness of the extent and impact of racism today and in the past. Thanks to everyone for being persistent in sharing educational material. . thank you for this comment. you are using your privilege the right way – to educate others and help bring empathy to those who need it most. thank you thank you thank you. have a good day
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An Egyptian mummy was so popular for medicinal purposes; everything from bruising, joint pain, snake bites, eye problems, and even plague; and some even had a mummy in powder in their bags as a way to treat their injured hawks [George Turberville’s Book of Falconry or Hawking describes this for use as hawk medicine]. They would straight up drink the blood of freshly executed men because they thought fresh blood would cure epilepsy. If you were rich you could pay to LGBT Equal Rights For Others Does Not Mean Fewer Rights For You It_s Not You Shirt drink straight from the source or to come in and collect it. A practice that started with the blood of gladiators. It’s the preserved body of a middle-aged Asian woman. Her face is sort of misshapen and bloated, especially around the eyes and mouth.
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Very different from an Egyptian mummy or a Bog mummy where the body is desiccated and essentially just dry skin over bone. Genuinely amazing, considering that her body is over 2,000 years old! It’s a LGBT Equal Rights For Others Does Not Mean Fewer Rights For You It_s Not You Shirt complete body dissection. I think we all have like this instinct that seeing a hole in anyone’s head like that is just B.A.D. a subtly different approach of “in this situation, a black person experiences XYZ, whereas most white people don’t” is a much easier message to take on board, but also to spread to others.
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