Hands down with this one. Winter Soldier is one of the best, if not the best MCU movie for me IMO. It had really great fight choreography. I loved every fight scene in it, mostly Bucky’s knife flips. AFAIK, Sebastian Stan does it on his own, and that alone is impressive. I really wish Bucky would be this cool again in the MCU. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is amazing. It took my least favorite MCU Avenger — a ‘USA! USA!’ cardboard cutout of a goody-two-shoes — and forced him to deal with complicated situations that weren’t as black-and-white as they used to be. He grew so much through the course of that film that he became — and remains — my favorite of the MCU Avengers. It presented a very different kind of superhero movie, almost a political/spy thriller that just happened to Nice I Love Uranus vintage shirt star Marvel characters. And to top it all off, they slipped in a VERY relevant theme of digital privacy, government surveillance, and lack of oversight and accountability, without bashing anyone over the head with it. Honestly, that movie has stood the test of time by miles. The costumes still look perfectly acceptable compared to aged CGI. The tone and violence levels were perfect. It’s a little heavy for younger kids but maybe I’m just older now. Like I can’t stomach watching Splinter say goodbye to the turtles anymore but I’ve lost my pops so it’s probably just on me.
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I went and saw this with my dad opening night. The best part of the whole movie was counting how many families rushed out of the theater. One particularly intrepid family of five made it all the way through the bone-crunching violence and sex scene, only to Nice I Love Uranus vintage shirt finally be forced to leave when a guy got his arms sawed off. They did. They’re no better than all the people that brought their kids in to see Deadpool, despite all the warnings from Ryan Reynolds EVERYWHERE that it would be rated R, and that it was not a kid’s movie. Pretty sure he did one more such warning at the start of the movie.
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The way it approaches tropes head-on and both embraces and makes fun of them is wonderful. The soundtrack is amazing. The characters are so fun and the actors voicing really make the film come alive. I love how Peter is the main character and it’s his struggles to Nice I Love Uranus vintage shirt balance life with being Spider-Man that makes the movie so good. The guy has such bad luck you can’t help but feel for him when he gives up being Spider-Man his life finally starts to come together and you are so happy for him. That’s when he realizes when he saves the kid from the burning building and finds out that someone never made it out. If he doesn’t save them, who will? It’s not his powers that make him a hero, it’s the fact that he is just an average guy struggling in new york, so he gives up having a life to help the little guys.
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