The main point of the BLM movement is Nice Love Camera Sunflower Shirt to abolish police immunity, and actually hold cops accountable for their actions. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, yellow, brown, blue, or even orange. How is it okay for bad cops to abuse their power and kill people without any repercussions? How come regular people are held to higher standards than cops? And if they do actually get fired, why are they allowed to just move to the next county and get hired without any sort of background check? I agree with you. The one at the NFAC March was a negligent discharge. Accidentally pulling the trigger.
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This guy purposely shot at the ground to Nice Love Camera Sunflower Shirt intimidate. That’s the difference. The guy in this video knew what he was doing. It wasn’t an accident.I agree guns don’t belong at protests, on either side. It’s not peaceful. If “all lives matter” racists want to protest BLM protestors, that’s their right. But they should be peaceful. If these racists in this truck had a problem with the BLM protest, it is their right to get out and peacefully discuss it. It’s their right to even shout obscenities at them (but not slurs). But having a gun is the opposite of peaceful
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