before we do any actual spells, I would like to discuss the mental element of spellcasting, which I feel is too often ignored. “It is our mental energy, not our words, which works in conjunction with our wands to give effect to our magic,” Dumbledore explained. “This is shown by the fact that it is possible to do spells while remaining silent, which we will be studying soon. We give voice to Norwegian Flag Love Makes The World Go Around But Norwegians Make It Worth The Trip Shirt our spells because it makes them stronger,
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but they are not made stronger by our voices per se. It is rather that vocalizing them causes us to Norwegian Flag Love Makes The World Go Around But Norwegians Make It Worth The Trip Shirt focus our mental energy more strongly on the spell. ” “Sir,” asked Hermione with her hand raised, “why is it that we’ve never been taught this, nor is it in any of our books? It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that’s so advanced that it should have to wait until N.E.W.T. classes.” “You are correct, of course, Hermione. I have long felt that the mental aspects of spellcasting have gone underappreciated by the magical community. People seem rather attached to saying the words, and tend to think that the words are the important things. What I am saying cannot be demonstrated by proof, but I am confident that it is true nonetheless.
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“The most important aspect of this, and of spellcasting in general, is to focus your mind. It is particularly helpful to think, not so much of the spell you want to cast, but of its intended result.” Dumbledore took a small blue ball out of his robes, and tossed it to one side of the room. “So, if I want to Norwegian Flag Love Makes The World Go Around But Norwegians Make It Worth The Trip Shirt Summon the ball, perhaps I will hear the word ‘Accio’ in my mind, but I will more be focusing on a • 317 • mental image of the ball flying into my hand,” as the ball did just that. “Now, I will go into various details of how to achieve this focus, and then we will try some practice.” Dumbledore talked for the next half hour,
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