If you Official To My Daughter Wrap Yourself Up In This And Consider It A Big Hug Love Mom Shirt get traumatized by an event. Please speak to an expert. This kind of stuff burrows under your skin and never leaves. Trust me, seek help. You might think you don’t need it. But you do. Do people get paid for this? Bro, just put hiring ads up on Liveleak. There are many vids that LiveLeak bans. Hell – That Christchurch video got banned from there! This job was meant for jaded douchebags like me. I get that it sounds like a horrible job. I knew a good friend. He didn’t work for a company where he HAD to watch things. He was in finance but his favorite website was a shock website that uploads really disturbing, violent videos.
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Like Official To My Daughter Wrap Yourself Up In This And Consider It A Big Hug Love Mom Shirts Beheadings, mutilations, gruesome deaths. And gruesome torture & deaths of people and animals. And disturbing sexual videos from around the world. Really frightening sick videos. It’s one of his favorite websites. He showed me a few a couple of times and he was laughing and watching people die in a brutally bloody gruesome way. It terrified me. This isn’t Hollywood. This was real-life deaths being recorded. And real-life torture and he was enjoying it. And he shares it with some of his friends. It was sick and twisted.
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