From time to time you have your average protest that even sympathizers will hate, mostly because it goes in their way to Premium Serious Gourmet Shit Shirt work or whatever. But then something happens, and people start protesting for that thing. Then police crackdown like they always do, but this time the protestors don’t dissipate, they continue. Then the police escalate the matter, and the protestors react in the same way. Riots start, and in the confusion, nobody knows what’s happening. When you realize, it’s no longer people protesting for that thing, now people are protesting for even more things.
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Then the government concedes the first demand, but it’s too late, the people want more. When you realize, it’s no longer a movement for the initial cause, that thing was just the last straw. Now it’s a mix between everything people dislike about the government, and they won’t stop until they get them. It happened in Hong Kong, in Chile, in France, in Bolivia, in Iran, in Lebanon. It will happen in the US if the government doesn’t concede demands right now. The government has the golden opportunity right now to Premium Serious Gourmet Shit Shirt stop the movement before it leads to widespread changes (changes that the status quo doesn’t want), if Trump or whoever is in charge of that doesn’t see it, then they have already lost the war, the war on the people, the war of the peasants. Not going to Premium Serious Gourmet Shit Shirt happen. I went through near this exact logic thought process with my wife last night and realized we are in for a summer of riots.
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we had a powderkeg of issues and watching a Premium Serious Gourmet Shit Shirt man die for 9 minutes, being refused help, being killed in broad daylight for the world to see broke the dam. I knew it was bad when Fox News condemned things, but when I saw Gary Vee, a Premium Serious Gourmet Shit Shirt guy who is super a-political doesn’t post controversial ‘social justice’ stuff because it’s not on-brand for his post about Floyd’s murder I knew the damn broke. Trump won’t give an inch, he can’t. He tweeted how we enjoyed watching protesters get pushed back, get his full Authoritarian hard-on going, and tweeted his love of it. Then he asked his followers to come out for MAGA night (see crazy Bow and Arrow dude in SLC).
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