. Enough people ended up in danger, or dead, because of their connection to Pretty LGBT Peace Autism Love Diamond Shirt him. After contemplating the evening’s events for a while, Harry got out the Omni-view and watched some Quidditch. It reminded him of how pleased he would be to be playing again this year. A half-hour later, he put it down and picked up the new book from Hermione
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. He had read a little last night, but now that he knew he was going to be teaching, it seemed far more immediate and relevant. He also realized that despite the nasty shock and great anxiety he’d gotten when he learned he’d be made a teacher, he hadn’t thought about it for the past few hours, since he’d run into Malfoy. Nothing like a new crisis to make you forget about the old one, he thought. An hour or so later, there was a knock on his door. Harry said “Come in,” and Petunia walked in, wearing her nightclothes and holding a letter. Obviously uncomfortable, Petunia said, “I need to use your owl. I need to send this to Professor Dumbledore.” This is almost too much, Harry thought. What’s she going to Pretty LGBT Peace Autism Love Diamond Shirt do next, send away for a Kwikspell course? “You want to use owl post?” he asked incredulously. Petunia sighed impatiently and gave him a ‘don’t be stupid’ look. “No, I don’t want to, but I have to if I want him to get this promptly. I know how to send • 94 • things to the school through the post, it just takes too long. This is important, or I wouldn’t be doing it.” Harry was slightly abashed; this was obvious now that she mentioned it. “Sorry, I was just surprised. Sure, I’ll send it, no problem.” He reached for the envelope. She hung onto it. “How should I address it?” “You don’t even have to; she’ll know where to deliver it, no matter where he is,” explained Harry. “But you can put his name on the outside. A lot of people do.” Petunia produced
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done talking to him. I want to Pretty LGBT Peace Autism Love Diamond Shirt be there, I want to be able to ask him questions. It’s my life we’re talking about. If I can do that, I’ll keep an open mind.” Seeing Petunia’s indecisive expression, Harry assumed that she hadn’t planned on including Dudley in this meeting. “I think Professor Dumbledore would want Dudley in the meeting anyway,” Harry said. “Probably it’s best if we’re all there.” “Very well,” Petunia said. She got up and left the room. They ate at 6:30 as Petunia planned; she was nothing if not punctual. As she finished the dinner dishes, 7:30 was approaching. Harry could tell that their attitude was different from when they had waited for the arrival of Mr. Weasley two years ago; for one thing, the Dursleys were wearing their normal weekend clothes, not their Sunday best they’d worn hoping to intimidate Mr. Weasley. Not that Dumbledore would be intimidated no matter what they wore, Harry thought. He couldn’t imagine what could intimidate Dumbledore. There had to be nothing that could, since he had seen with his own eyes that even Voldemort could not; in fact, it was the other way around. The three Dursleys and Harry stood in the living room at 7:28. Harry looked at the open fireplace and wondered why Dumbledore had made this particular request when he could have easily Apparated. Vernon looked at Harry suspiciously. “Is he going to be on time?” Harry knew that Vernon placed a high value on punctuality
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