Straight up – there’s some serious science that comes into play. As she took me down the rabbit hole, while the race was playing on the tv, I actually started to Savage Classy Bougie Ratchet Color Girl Shirt appreciate it. Believe it or not, that’s how a lot of us change. My parents are racist as fuck. One of the reasons they sent us to a Christian school was because public schools had black people. I went to a Christian school with zero black people. Zero. I specifically remember our science teacher making a joke about black people that was terrible. We all had jokes too. My brother had a pipe in his car he called a N***** Beater. I can’t even believe I’m typing that. I’ve never told anyone this in real life. When we went to go see my grandma in on the Illinois side of Saint Louis my dad and mom would say “Quick, Roll up the windows and lock the doors guys, black people!” every time we drove thru East Saint Louis.
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And then, I got kicked out of Christian school (the teachers left all of us kids on the bus on a field trip and I pulled the emergency brake just to Savage Classy Bougie Ratchet Color Girl Shirt watch the bus full of kids roll down a hill, fuckin dumb, I know). I went to the public school by me and I met Willie. Coolest fuckin kid you ever met in your life. He was the mascot for the school, wild, out there making a fool of himself. Willie was fun as fuck. And he was black. And it changed my life. I thought, fuck, I’ve missed out on so much shit because I grew up in stupid fuckin Christianity and racism, I wonder what else I’m missing. Are there cool Mexican kids? Hell yeah, Mexican kids are wild! What about the Asian kids? Gay kids? Fuck yeah. Think about how much better life is when you can meet all kinds of different people and experience the world. It all started with Willie. Thanks, Willie. I miss you, man.
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Willie is doing awesome! He works at the Children’s Hospital and he cuts the casts off kids when they are ready to Savage Classy Bougie Ratchet Color Girl Shirt get them off. I wish I still hung out with him. When my kid was getting her cast off and I saw that it was Willie I hugged him so many times, we were like little kids jumping up and down to see each other. We exchanged cell numbers but I don’t know, it just never happened, we never got together. He has a lot of kids and I have a lot of kids, we live pretty far away, I don’t know, I really should have made a better effort to get together with him, buy us some lunch and get together.
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