Now my opinion: the shooting is entirely justified. When a mob chases someone down who is running away, beats them to Swing Both Ways Violently With An Axe Shirt the ground, pulls a lethal weapon, and says “we’re going to fucking kill you” then lethal force gets met with lethal force. right to defend his own life from a Swing Both Ways Violently With An Axe shirtgroup of attackers brandishing a lethal weapon announcing they are going to kill him.
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The victim is Hispanic and was jumped after he left the store because he didn’t let the assailants cut in line. They went outside and waited for the victim to pay and come out. . The last guy comes out and kicks the victim. This is believable. Especially in Harris county. Gangs/thugs can be very territorial and feel like they must exert their “dominance” but making shows of force like this to people they don’t recognize or recognize as being from a Swing Both Ways Violently With An Axe Shirt different part of town. I can almost hear them.. “You’re in our home now! You’ll remember that next time you come around!” I’ve worked in some rough places and you learn to avoid these kinds of situations. Also, I’ve also seen some guys take a lot of shit for making a mistake they didn’t even realize.
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This was pretty much what we endured almost every single day, especially from the teenagersgeneralization that’s a fact and the leftist idiots can downvote this all they want there is a problem within the black community that is making the youth act extreme violent and have a Swing Both Ways Violently With An Axe shirt lack of respect of authority and human beings we can try to color it all we want and blame resources or effects of slavery it all starts with what they’re being taught in the Home and with the single fatherhood rate being over 60% in the black community they aren’t being taught values or have any kind of leadership from any figure and they’re being taught to hate whitey and to disrespect the cops their needs to be something done about this because it’s getting to a boiling point in this country where other communities aren’t gonna stand for it and you’re gonna have a war in the streets and we all don’t want that sorry for the lack of punctuation I’m writing this in a very angered state so I didn’t really get a chance to look back on it
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