My guess is going to be that it is an anemone. It’s possible that the Premium Get High And Go Fishing Vintage Shirt fisherman dropped his bait to the bottom and on the anemone. Anemone grabbed it to eat and got pulled off the rocks. Not only that but in-depth answers take longer to write out and read, particularly on a mobile phone. In the time it takes to write out a long answer several jokes, puns, and the like get posted and voted on, further burying longer answers. That’s how most people do it. You put the rubber bands around the testicles.
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When she got home and was describing the Premium Get High And Go Fishing Vintage Shirt process to me. I was born with deformities of my left hand and foot. They had to remove one of my toes because it had no bone in it, basically just a fleshy blood sac from what I was told. They cut it off a few days after I was born. All that remains is a hole, like a tiny belly button. I do have to clean it periodically. In reality, banding is not the way most do castration on cattle. Rough on the calves and cause problems.
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Yeah, I picked tobacco as a kid to save up for my first car (you could work under age 16 in agriculture) and being on a farm, we did all sorts of “side” jobs, and holding the pigs while the Premium Get High And Go Fishing Vintage Shirt farmer put the rubber bands on their nuts was one of them. You wander around with an elastic band wrapped tight around your nuts for a month and tell me how safe and humane it is. Ah, yes, the golden age of Unidan. When our Lord could be summoned to explain biological curiosities. That was, of course, before the Jackdaw Incursion.
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