These Top I Don’t Ride My Bike To Win Races Nor Do I Ride To Get Places I Ride To Escape This World Shirt bastards are beyond hypocrites. After this fiasco of a criminal and murderous administration, the entire Republican Party needs to STFU and sit in the corner if they’re allowed to exist as a party at all. American politics is a dumpster fire full. Mitch, please! After 4 years of financial abuse in our country, you can’t suddenly pretend to be our healers. Historically, deficits and unemployment go down under Democratic presidents. If he really is concerned he should vote for Biden. I just want to find McConnell’s jaw so I can punch it. Watch out, snapping turtles are pretty mean.
Top I Don’t Ride My Bike To Win Races Nor Do I Ride To Get Places I Ride To Escape This World Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie

I imagine it’d be Top I Don’t Ride My Bike To Win Races Nor Do I Ride To Get Places I Ride To Escape This World Shirts like punching a wad of wet tissue paper. These Republicans should be forced to find a new name. Since Republicans are only concerned about the deficit when a Dem is a president, one can safely assume that they’re worried Biden will win. Well, President Reagan is to blame. The Whips might be appropriate. Yeah, just the latest subtle hint that they’re anticipating a loss in 2020 and mainly planning their mid-term strategy. That was their 2010 campaign pitch. And it worked. Well, I just think they should shut the. I have a cure I’m sure they’ll get behind. Let’s help cut the deficit and maybe bring down the debt by taxing the rich!
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