As is Top Never Underestimate An Old Woman With A Bicycle Porter Shirt tradition. We got to be above the bull. No inch given until every person who voted against impeachment or to acquit is out. They stood by allowed the deficit to go from 580B at the beginning of 2017 to over 3.2T today. Further, they sat back and said nothing while hundreds of billions we’re spent on business and farm subsidies to offset losses from the trade war, but now they are calling for restraint. Just more hypocrisy from the part of hypocrites. We managed to get through the Bush recession with Obama and Biden. Every single Republican administration has caused a recession.
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That we’ve Top Never Underestimate An Old Woman With A Bicycle Porter Shirts had to clean up. Sorry but these. Not sure if the American attention span has improved enough to stop falling for this crap. But shoot, maybe. I guess I can at least hope. My hope is that Democrats know this is coming and have a plan to make sure this sticks to Republicans. These students need to wear this deficit like a badge of shame. No longer can/should Democrats let them get away with this. Ya, the republicans have exactly zero credibility regarding the deficit and debt after passing a trillion dollar a year tax debt that benefits the rich people that donate to their candidates.
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