How would they know if people actually Underestimate A Pug Mom With A Nursing Degree Shirt registered to vote? And releasing an album is a pretty big deal so it would need to planned a few months in advance, I know Taylor Swift just released a surprise album so she cants do it again. Last year Ariana Grande teamed up with them to register people on her tour, and it broke the record for the largest voter registration initiative. She’s also been regularly sharing Instagram posts from them since then. They really are a great organization; they have so much useful information.
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Your vote is not just for you. It’s for Underestimate A Pug Mom With A Nursing Degree Shirt the world. It will literally change the fucking world. Everybody wants to make the world a better place… here is your chance. And you don’t need a gun, cape, or degree to do it. Just a bit of time. You won’t even break a sweat. And when it’s all over you can literally say: I will die knowing I made the world a better place. With this and BTS fans and TikTok folks getting involved more recently you will hopefully see a decent young voter turnout. It’s too bad more BTS fans and TikTok years aren’t over 18 but a decent chunk is.
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