Wow, you are Wakanda Forever After Black Pather Star Dies At 43 Shirt lucky you grew up so resilient. I had a similar childhood and I’m definitely severely lacking empathy. Horrible shit happening to other people or babies and etc just doesn’t phase me. Growing up crying all night from severe emotional trauma every other night for many years because of my parents fighting (shouting, physical violence, etc) each other, I think I learned to disengage any empathy. By the end their shitty fights just caused annoyance. My mother also called me names like dumbsnotted sheep and etc. Interestingly while i don’t give a shit what happens to others, I’m still severely sensitive for myself.
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If I’m in a Wakanda Forever After Black Pather Star Dies At 43 Shirt totally neutral mood but somebody says I’m gonna cry (some stranger joked like this about me in the first 1 minute meeting me at a game night) it literally instantly made me cry. I’m so super easily hurt and every small hurdle in life feels like the apocalypse is happening and everything is lost. Basically i have 0 resilience. You’re very lucky This tends to be the case. I work at an OB/GYN clinic and young mothers often have no family to help out because even their grandparents are still working. It’s a huge problem passed down through generations because the kids usually don’t have enough positive adult contact/mentoring in their lives (because everyone is working their asses off) to avoid the same mistake.
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