“You know, Harry, you should feel free to send me an owl if you have any questions about anything, or just want to talk, especially in the summer. Just so you know.” Harry just nodded; Lupin turned and left. “A very good man, Remus,” Dumbledore mused. “A pity he couldn’t have remained Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He would have filled the bill very nicely.” “That’s for sure,” Harry agreed. He felt a small burst of anger at Professor Snape, whose disclosure of the information that Lupin was a werewolf forced Lupin to resign his position at the end of Harry’s third year at Hogwarts. “He was the only one in my time here who knew what he was doing.” Then it suddenly dawned on Harry that his comment could be taken as a Official The Herculoids Funny Shirt criticism of Dumbledore, who hired all but one of those teachers. “Sir, I didn’t mean–” Dumbledore chuckled lightly. “That’s quite all right, Harry. Actually, Barty Crouch knew what he was doing, much to my regret. But I take your point. Actually, I’m optimistic that the situation might improve this year.” Harry’s eyes widened slightly.
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“You mean you’ve found someone good who’s willing to take the job?” “The former, yes; the latter, that has yet to be determined. Tell me, Harry, have you heard any rumors to the effect that there is a jinx on that position?” Harry nodded. “Do you believe that is true?” Harry thought for a few seconds, and answered, “It’s true that bad stuff has happened to the teacher of that course all five years I’ve been here. But I really don’t believe in jinxes, at least the non-magical kind. So I’d have to say no. So, who knows, maybe the jinx will end when I graduate from Hogwarts.” “Well, I do not think that will be necessary, but I am glad you do not take it seriously. Now, Harry, the reason I wanted to talk to you today–” “Professor? I’m sorry to Official The Herculoids Funny Shirt interrupt, but I wanted to say something first.” Dumbledore nodded attentively. I just couldn’t control myself.” “I don’t think anyone in your position could have, Harry,” said Dumbledore gently. “It was simply too much to process. It takes time.
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But the last thing in the world you need to do is apologize. Remember, I made you stay in the room. You wanted to go, but I wouldn’t let you out. It was partly because I needed to tell you about the prophecy, but partly because you needed to let go of some of your immediate pain and grief. I did feel responsible for what happened, so it seemed only right that I should absorb the initial burst. You have nothing to apologize for. If it is because I am the headmaster and you are a student, well, at that point I felt that we were just two people.” Harry nodded, feeling grateful for Dumbledore’s forgiveness. “Maybe it’s partly that, but it’s also that… well, I have a lot of respect for you, and…” He trailed off, but he could see his meaning was clear to Official The Herculoids Funny Shirt Dumbledore. “I understand, Harry, and I appreciate that. But context matters in everything, not least of all here. I might react differently if you lost your temper with me for no good reason, out of contempt or indifference.
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