“It was very good of Professor Dumbledore to do that, to Willie Nelson 64th Anniversary 1956 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt try to direct Professor Snape’s anger away from you.” “Yes, it was, but it won’t work in the long run,” said Harry. “No matter what Professor Dumbledore says, next time I’m alone with him or even in a class…” He trailed off, feeling the rest of the sentence was obvious. Hermione finished it anyway. “…he’ll be really nasty and make all kinds of insinuations or outright slanders, I know.” McGonagall’s eyes went wide
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. “Miss Granger, you are talking about a Hogwarts professor! You will speak with the proper respect!” Hermione looked at McGonagall earnestly. “Professor, I respect you, and I’ll do as you ask, for your sake. But I’ve been in classes with Harry for five years, and I’ve seen him treat Harry so badly, for so long, for so little reason, that it’s very hard to Willie Nelson 64th Anniversary 1956 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt think of him with any respect. He takes shots at me, too, but I’m always raising my hand and drawing attention to myself. Harry never does, but Snape singles out Harry anyway. Ask any Gryffindor fifth year, they’ll tell you.” Harry said nothing; he didn’t know whether Hermione’s outburst would do any good, but he appreciated the impulse behind it.
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McGonagall stared at Hermione for a few seconds, then headed towards Dumbledore’s office, her face impassive, Harry and Hermione following. Harry took this to mean that she had nothing more to say on the topic. He had never seen a student be as frank with McGonagall as Hermione had just been, and he suspected that it was only McGonagall’s respect for Hermione that stopped her from admonishing Hermione further. They entered Dumbledore’s office, and McGonagall gestured toward the cat figure on Dumbledore’s desk. Harry said goodbye to McGonagall and Hermione, • 66 • thanking the latter again for the book. He then grasped the Portkey to return to Willie Nelson 64th Anniversary 1956 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt his other, less preferred world.
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